
About the Artist

Britney Mongold is a native to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. She enjoys creating art with a purpose.

A great body of her work can be found at Back Home on the Farm in Harrisonburg, VA as she worked and painted there for several years. Her biggest project on the farm was restoring and painting the 30 horse Virginia Carousel with notable figures, settings and flora of the Old Dominion.

While living in Washington, DC, she worked as a scenic charge artist for a few theatrical companies. She found painting the large sets with scenes and faux finishes an enjoyable challenge. This skill segued nicely into painting murals for businesses and children's nurseries.

On the smaller scale, Britney applies her painting to canvases in whimsical compositions for commission.

The name Mumshackles can be attributed to fellow artist Sarah Elizabeth Murphy. "Mumshackles" is a nonsense word adopted as a nickname for Britney during a time of identity crisis. Sarah Murphy's contribution has provided years of enjoyment and whimsy to Britney's existence. Thank you.